Dipl.-Inform. Ingrid Rügge


Research Centre for Work and Technology (artec)
University of Bremen

Postfach 330440
D-28334 Bremen

Email: ingrid
Tel.: +49-421-218-2701 or +49-421-218-4837




 Curricula vitae



study of Computer Science at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the University of Bremen; diploma thesis: Formale Semantik natürlicher Sprache und Wirklichkeit [formal semantics of natural language and reality].



research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen within the preproject for the Modellversuch Informatica Feminale - Sommeruniversität für Frauen in der Informatik [pilot project Informatica Feminale - Summer University for Women in Computer Science], supported by Land Bremen



research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen within the Pilotprojekt zur Information und Motivation von Mädchen und Frauen für das Informatikstudium [pilot project on information and motivation of girls and women for studies in informatics], supported by the University of Bremen, Land Bremen and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF).

research assistant at the AI Lab at the University of Hamburg (LKI) within the project MIMIC (Medical Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care), funded by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology and managed by the GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health.

since October 1996 doctoral grant of the Research Centre Work and Technology (artec) of the University of Bremen. Doctoral thesis on developing a reality oriented user interface in preparation.



research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen within the Pilotprojekt zur Information und Motivation von Mädchen und Frauen für das Informatikstudium [pilot project on information and motivation of girls and women for studies in informatics], supported by the University of Bremen, Land Bremen and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF)

research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen within the project Informatica Feminale - Sommeruiniversität für Frauen in der Informatik [Informatica Feminale - Summer University for Women in Computer Science], supported by the University of Bremen

doctoral grant of the Research Centre Work and Technology (artec) of the University of Bremen



research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen within the project Informatica Feminale - Sommeruniversität für Frauen in der Informatik [Summer University for Women in Computer Science], supported by the University of Bremen and Land Bremen

doctoral grant of the Research Centre Work and Technology (artec) of the University of Bremen


 Wenn ich das nur begreifen könnte! on the 24. Kongress Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik [24nd Congress for Women in Science and Technology], May 21-24, 1998, Mainz, Germany.

Komm, schau und mach mit! - Das erste Sommerstudium der Informatica feminale [program of the first summer school of informatica feminale] on the 24. Kongress Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik [24nd Congress for Women in Science and Technology], May 21-24, 1998, Mainz, Germany.

Informatica Feminale - Sommeruniversität für Frauen in der Informatik [Summer University for Women in Computer Science]. Tag der Forschung im Forschungszentrum artec. January 23, 1998, Bremen, Germany

Real Reality. Tag der Forschung im Forschungszentrum artec. January 23, 1998, Bremen, Germany. (with B.Robben)

Ergebnisse des Workshops „Informatik-Curricula im Wandel - eine Diskussion unter Frauen“ [Report on the workshop ‘Changing the computer science curricula - a discussion among women’], workshop „Das Informatikstudium: Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und Erwerb von Berufsfähigkeit?“ im Rahmen des Projekts „Informatica Feminale - Sommeruniversität für Frauen in der Informatik“. December 4-5, 1997, Barnstorf, Germany.

Real Reality, artec-workshop „Vom Bildschirm zum Handrad - Combuter(be)nutzung nach der Desktop-Metapher“, October 6-7, 1997, Bremen, Germany. (with B. Robben)

Frauen auf dem Weg, das Image der Informatik zu verändern. [Women starting to change the image of informatics]. annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), September 22-24, 1997, RWTH Aachen, Germany. (with V. Oechering)


Organizer (with V. Oechtering and K. Vosseberg) of the workshop Informatikstudium: Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis und Erwerb von Berufsfähigkeit? [Informatics Study: Between Scientific Findings and Acquisition of Professional Skills?] in the project Informatica Feminale - Sommeruniversität für Frauen in der Informatik [Summer University for Women in Computer Science], December 4-5, 1997, Barnstorf, Germany

Co-Organizer of the workshop Vom Bildschirm zum Handrad - Computer(be)nutzung nach der Desktop-Metapher [From screen to handwheel - what follows the desktop metaphor in computer usage?], October 6-7, 1997, Bremen, Germany

Informatik - Eine Reise in die Zukunft [Informatics - a journey into the future] workshop on the 22. Kongress Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik [22nd Congress for Women in Science and Technology], May 16-19, 1996, Braunschweig, Germany.

Ingrid Rügge, 20.4.1998